Everything to Me (Playing for Keeps Book 2) by Lauren Fraser – Review by Devon Pulliam

Everything to Me (Playing for Keeps Book 1)Everything to Me by Lauren Fraser
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When you fall head over heels for your brother’s best friend, team-mate, co-worker and you test the waters to see how far the infatuation goes on both sides.

This story was filled with passion, lust, and love. Kendall has always had a crush on Pete. The only thing standing in their way is Ryan. Who so happens to be Kendall’s brother. But also Pete’s best friend and team-mate.

We all know not to mess with team dynamics when it comes to a team sport like baseball. Pete took a leap of faith when he fell hard for Kendall and then had to face up to Ryan at the end.

Will their love for one another win or will the dynamic of the team and friendship come first?

View all my reviews

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