Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Brandy Rymer

Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller (The Millersville series)Shore Lodge: A high-stakes psychological thriller by Susan Specht Oram

Shore Lodge by Susan Specht Oram was a fantastic read! Right from the beginning of the book, we jump right in with Jacklyn’s husband, Albert’s death. From there we get to go back and forth between the points of view of Jacklyn and her adult children, Dusty and Rose. Poor Jacklyn is struggling with depression after the sudden death of her husband, causing her son Dusty to step in and help care for her. Rose is so busy caring for her son, Max, dealing with her high-demand job, and being a divorcee. Dusty convinces Rose that their mother needs to be put into a home to receive around-the-clock care where she can rest from the stresses of running her garden store and relax from the things of the world while attending grief counseling. Dusty and Rose convince Jacklyn to agree to go to the resort for a couple of days stay to rest and get some grief counseling, little did Jacklyn know she was being put into a permanent facility where no one is allowed to leave. Jacklyn does everything she can to reverse her actions of signing over her power of attorney to her son, Dusty, who seems to have ulterior motives his sister Rose did not see coming. Will Jacklyn be able to find a way to escape this place of terror before she goes insane?
@Brandy Rymer 3/2023

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