The Thieves (The Millersville series) by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Allyson Ware

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After reading the first novel in this series, I could not wait to get my hands on the second. Unfortunately this one did not meet the standards of the first book, but I still really enjoyed it. The reason for the four stars instead of five is because I had such high hopes and I was let down a tad by this one. However, this novel is very original. There is not necessarily a “good” guy in the situation. You feel sorry for Jas, but she still committed a crime to try to help her father. Not only that, but she created three other accomplices along the way.

The author does an amazing job creating characters that come to life, a plot that does not disappoint, and a story that you cannot put down until you finish it. The author creates characters like Jas and Bets that you like but want to dislike in the same token. Their moral compass is a tad skewed, but what would you do if you were in their position? Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a good action-packed novel. Such a quick and easy read. This can also be read as a stand-alone. The only thing that really connects the two novels is Millersville; the plot lines are completely separate.

Review by @aware
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