Esprit de Corpse by Ef Deal – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Esprit de CorpseEsprit de Corpse by Ef Deal
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Jacqueline Duval and her twin sister Angelique Laforge are on a locomotive when it suddenly comes to a dead halt on the tracks. As they get out to investigate what could have possibly caused the locomotive to grind to a halt Jacqueline discovers something she has never seen before. It seems that a metal man has slammed into the locomotive full force. When Jacqueline pries open the helmet on the metal man something supernatural escapes. She decides to take the metal man home to look it over in her workshop. When someone breaks into her workshop and tries to steal the metal man it sets off a chain of events that lead them straight into danger as they try to stop a war.

This was a fun read, and I loved the setting. It was well written and vividly described which pulled me right into the story alongside the characters. Angelique and Jacqueline are interesting characters that I immediately loved. Both women were intelligent, brave, and faced danger head-on. A fantastic steampunk fantasy filled with danger, suspense, supernatural, shapeshifting, mystery, and drama.

View all my reviews@tarab

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