Raising Elle (Sweet Valley Series Book 1) by S.E Reichert – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Raising ElleRaising Elle by S.E. Reichert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First, I need to mention trigger warnings – this book is not for everyone as it contains graphic descriptions of domestic violence (and the aftermath) and addiction. If you are comfortable with reading about these topics though, reading this book is worth it.

This is the first book in the Sweet Valley series, and it is beautifully written. The topics of domestic violence and addiction are described in graphic detail at times, but it is clear that the author has taken great care to represent these topics as accurately as possible, whilst also being respectful.

There are elements of Elle’s situation which make her relatable to me. It took a great deal of strength for her to leave her situation behind and try to move on with her life and she only grows in strength as the story processes.
Blake is another great character fighting his own issues. He too is a strong character trying to better himself.
They are both fighting their own demons but manage to come back together for a potential second chance at love. What I love about this pair is that they are both flawed, their isn’t one perfect character swooping in the save the other. They both grow over the course of the story and by the end have shown genuine character development.

I certainly got emotionally invested in this story, and am very glad I read it. I look forward to what book 2 holds, I just hope I don’t have to wait too long for its release!

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