Reaper (War Brothers MC Book 1) by Bianca Lee Ward – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

Reaper (War Brothers MC, #1)Reaper by Bianca Lee Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reaper is the first book of the War Brothers MC series. I will say that this dark MC romance book could be triggering to those who are affected by themes of domestic violence as this is portrayed in this book. There is also plenty of suspense, violence and romance.

The author had a wonderful style of writing – it flowed well, and they were able to creative vivid imagery with the descriptive language used.
I enjoyed the way on which the author portrayed the motorcycle club loyalties and the culture there is within the group. There is of course illegal activity taking place, but the brotherhood and sense of family is clear in their writing. It is a lot bigger than just criminals running around on motorbikes. There’s more to the club and the characters involved than you may have originally thought.
Another aspect I thought was written well was the portrayal of the domestic violence. The dangers that are faced and the manipulation that goes with it which I think is often forgotten in literature. The effects had on the character and how this bleeds into other aspects of their life was done so well.

I absolutely loved Reaper and Ava – they are both incredibly strong characters fighting to overcome their individual traumas and finding themselves (and each other). I loved how they supported each other and made each other stronger for it. (And honestly, who wouldn’t want their own Reaper?!)
I hope to get to know more about other characters in the book as the series progresses and seeing how they evolve and develop in their own books.

It was a brilliant first book to get roped into and I look forward to being able to get my hands on the next book!

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