Small Fry by Stephenie Wilson Peterson – Review by Amanda Swindle

Small FrySmall Fry by Stephenie Wilson Peterson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Silas is the new kid at school, and if that isnt terrifying enough, he is much smaller than the other kids in his grade. Even after all the horror stories about 6th grade that his grandfather has told him, Silas is still pretty open minded about it all. Even Silas’ teachers do not believe he is 11 years old, and he is removed from his English class on the first day! Not long after starting school, Silas becomes the target of the class bully…but he also starts making friends. When Chad (the bully) runs for class president, Silas knows he can not let him win. This gave me very David and Goliath vibes, in a way. The characters in this book are full of behaviors and attitudes that are realistic. As a mother of a sixth grader, I enjoyed this story as it gave me some insight into the real life struggles of acceptance that we seen in our real lives this year. This story about acceptance and middle school behaviors hit home, and I will have my son read it as he prepares for 7th grade!
Reviewed By @zoltrixes

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