The Thieves (The Millersville series) Audiobook by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

The ThievesThe Thieves by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second book in the series, and I enjoyed it just as much as the first. It’s filled with twists and turns and suspense.

I enjoyed the plot and the lovable characters – I was hooked. The writing style of the author was great in aiding in the enjoyment of reading. I loved that once again the characters were well-constructed and the way the story is told through multiple points of view givens a deeper feel for character narrating.

I adored Jas, I was rooting for her from the start. Although she does some not-so-great things, her motive and actions come from a good place – love for her father and the wish to pay for his treatments. Her determination is admirable, even if a little reckless. I was so invested in her outcome.

I’m excited to move onto the next book!

View all my reviews

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