Breathless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls Book 3) by KG Fletcher – Review by Allison Davis

Breathless Love (The Bennetts of Langston Falls, #3)Breathless Love by K.G. Fletcher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this musical romance. Hank is the baby boy of the family, he wants to be a country star but his hometown band has recently broke up and he can’t decide if he wants to pursue a solo career or work on the family farm. In comes Ella Mae who introduces him to his idol Travis Miller and they offer for him to go with them on the road for 3 weeks.

Hank and Ella Mae’s connection is undeniable from the start. They bonded over family past, and current secrets. I love getting to see the back side of a music career setting with Travis and Ella Mae. Hanks care in his relationship with Ella Mae is heartwarming. I am nervous and excited for the next because I know whats coming and nothing better happen to the actual baby of the family. I will protect Becky with my life!

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