Walk Off (Ground Rule Book 1) by Bree Kraemer – Review by Micalah Weatherholtz

Walk OffWalk Off by Bree Kraemer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Walk Off is book one in the Ground Rule series. I have always been super involved in sports growing up and seeing that this was a feel good romance but also involved a sports theme, in Walk Off it was mainly centered around a baseball player, only added to my interest. Celia and Kyle are the female and male character but there are a lot of side characters too. Celia broke Kyles heart many years ago but as fate would have it they show up to the same wedding of friends where they are reunited and their love is rekindled. I thought this was a great book but there were a few moments where I thought Celia was pushing against everything to hard or things were a little immature but I also felt like those parts added to the story and helped us understand why Celia and Kyle are the way they are because of their past and trauma they are both a little emotionally stunted. Their friends were so supportive but also gave them space to come to terms with their own feelings. This all came together to make a great read that I really enjoyed. I look forward to reading the others in the series.

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