Walk Off (Ground Rule Book 1) by Bree Kraemer – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

Walk OffWalk Off by Bree Kraemer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Walk Off is Book One in the Ground Rules series. It is a second chance romance story that centers around the characters of Celia and Kyle. Celia broke Kyle’s heart eight years ago but he has never gotten over her. When he sees her at the wedding of a friend all the memories come flooding back. He still loves her and even though she broke his heart his feelings for her have not changed. Celia still loves Kyle, but she lied to him years ago and has been hiding a secret from him ever since that could cause Kyle to hate her forever. Can Celia and Kyle get past the hurt, secrets, and lies and get a second chance at love? This is a beautifully written story with wonderful characters whose lives were easy to become invested in. You could not help but root for them to work through the hurt from their painful past and get a fresh new start together. Celia’s decision was clearly a gut-wrenching one to make for Kyle to have a chance at a future. The chemistry between them is undeniable and hard for either of them to deny. This book was full of raw emotions, love, loss, secrets, lies, betrayal, angst, drama, chemistry, passion, and second chances.

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