Complicated Choices by Risa Nyman – Review by Christine Baranek

Complicated ChoicesComplicated Choices by Risa Nyman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Complicated Choices
By: Risa Nyman

This is such an emotional read. I loved every second of it even as I was reading with tears streaming down my face. This isn’t the traditional hard choice pregnancy tale. This is about what happens when a mother, with older children, has a child they are not prepared to take care of and that burden now falls on their older children. Risa does a fantastic job of writing the characters. Each one has a tremendous amount of depth in them and I feel that Claire was perhaps the most well written character. I found myself really pulling for Claire in this story and wondering what I would do in this situation. Her mother really placed her in a hard situation and her uncle means well but doesn’t see that the answer really isn’t clear cut. This really was a fantastic read that I highly suggest picking up, but make sure to have some tissues handy because it will pull on your heart strings throughout.

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