Goldilocks and the Six Simple Machines (Science Folktales) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by

Goldilocks and the Six Simple Machines By Lois Wickstrom is a wonderful retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears! I love that even though Goldilocks makes messes in the bears’ house, she cleans it up and she uses science to help her. I like the different font faces used to highlight various words throughout the book because it adds movement to the pages and draws the readers eyes to the words. Everything that happened in the classic Goldilocks books happened differently in this book, which is refreshing and truly unique! The thing that I liked the most was that the bears were not mad at Goldilocks when they found her, instead they were thankful. In fact Baby Bear even asked her for help at the end of the book, and the Bear family invited her to come back to visit again. The back matter of the book identifies and explains the six simple machines found in the story. This book would be a great introduction to simple machines and can easily be used to help students think about making their own simple machines.

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