
In the Dragon’s Fiery Lair by Lois Wickstrom and Jean Lorrah

A hidden curse. A thoughtful daredevil. Is this youngster’s accidental plunge into the
fantastical about to unlock a wonderful surprise?
Amy is eager for excitement. On the brink of turning twelve and discovering if she’s inherited her late dad’s magic, the hard-working girl can barely wait to take a trip to the cave where the truth will be revealed. But when she and her mom step past the entrance, a terrible rockslide traps them inside the mountain.
Deciding to risk exploring the dark cavern, Amy is shocked to run into an invisible dragon who swears he protects every maiden he finds. And after she accidentally sets off a spell, the great beast decides he needs to teach her how to control her newfound power before someone gets hurt.
Can the daring young girl stop her sorcery from going wrong and get home safely?
In the Dragon’s Fiery Lair is a delightful middle-grade fantasy. If you like brave characters, fun mysteries, and magical twists, then you’ll love Lois Wickstrom and Jean Lorrah’s clean adventure.
Buy In the Dragon’s Fiery Lair to leap into danger today!


Lois Wickstrom lives in a world where imaginary playmates are real. She doesn’t remember being born, so she finds unbirthdays are more exciting than the official once-a-year date on the calendar. She’s taken so many science classes that she believes science is the solution to almost every problem, including the dilemmas in fairy tales.

Jean is a New York Times Best Selling author. She is also a retired English teacher, and an award winning artist. She has written Star Trek books with Jacqueline Lichtenberg, and books in worlds of her own creation. Together with Lois, she is co-author of Coal for Christmas which won the Gold Remi at Worldfest.



Vanishing Act by Lois Wickstrom

🌼 .•°*°•.🌼 BOOK SPOTLIGHT SHOWCASE 🌼 .•°*°•.🌼
Vanishing Act by Lois Wickstrom
Hosted by Itsy Bitsy Book Bits
Genre – Kids, Fantasy
Page Count – 32
Cover Designer – Janet King

Goodreads – Vanishing Act by Lois Wickstrom

When the class is parading across the schoolgrounds, Drake falls. Nobody notices. Drake thinks he might be invisible. He looks in the mirror. All he can see is his clothes. No face, no hands, no feet. He undresses and tries to go home, but he’s wearing his backpack and the other kids spot him. Now he’s got their attention.


Lois is a former science teacher. She has written a series of science-based folktales.  In each modernized tale, the protagonist achieves a better ending because of learning scientific principles. Lois likes to garden, ride her bike with her husband, cook, and she votes in every election.

Author Interview with Lois Wickstrom 



Loretta’s Stick That Walks (Loretta’s Insects Series) by Lois Wickstrom

Ants are carrying bleeding heart fern seeds to their anthill. They stop to nibble something off the end of a seed. When Loretta bends down to investigate, a seed-like pod falls from the branch above her head. The ants take that to their nest, too.

What could it be? The branch over her head has no flowers. Seeds come from flowers. Where could this seed have come from?

As she watches, a branch starts walking. It must be an insect. But, insects don’t make seeds. Insects drop eggs. The ants take the eggs to their nest, just like the seeds. They even nibble on them, just like seeds.

What are the ants doing with the seeds and eggs in their anthill?


Lois is a former science teacher. She has written a series of science-based folktales.  In each modernized tale, the protagonist achieves a better ending because of learning scientific principles. Lois likes to garden, ride her bike with her husband, cook, and she votes in every election.

Author Interview with Lois Wickstrom 



Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Stephanie Robb

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book, teaching children science in a fun and approachable way. The story was engaging with lovely illustrations to accompany it. Highly recommended for parents and children to enjoy!

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Andrea Lopez Salazar

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery By Lois Wickstrom
5 Stars

Cute book for the kids especially as we introduce Science to them. This is a must read with littles, mine always loves books by Lois Wickstrom and we continue to enjoy them over and over.

Dinopotamus is very caring towards the kids and I love how he keeps them warm at naptime with the “warm spot”. Perfect for our bedtime/naptime routine

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom.- Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It is the end of nap time at Dinopotamus’s school, but he doesn’t want to wake up because his spot is so warm, however, the other kids in his class want the warm spot, so the next day Dinopotamus let’s them nap there.

Unfortunately, the kids complain that it isn’t warm and so Dinopotamus sets out to solve the mystery of why it is always warm where he sleeps? This is a charming way of explaining a scientific principle which will help young children to understand it.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Heather Goodman

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The simplistic ingenuity that this author uses always amazes me. This is such a great way to teach the kids a little science and also have fun. Dinopotamus is a relatable fun character that will have your kid engaged in the book without even knowing they are learning.

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Shannen Kern

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an author that I never pass up, and my kids make sure of it! We have read several books by them, and somehow they all stand out in their own accord. We loved reading the other books with Dinopotamus as they are fun and educational. This one was no different! I truly appreciate the way that different communication methods were presented in this story combined with the scientific side. Even though my kiddos are older than the target audience, we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. This would be a perfect addition for the classroom, daycare, or even at home!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Candice Estes

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a cute book, for young kids who love dinosaurs. Dinopotamus is a dinosaur who attends school with human children. Though he cannot talk, he finds ways to communicate with his teacher and classmates. When he realizes that his spot on the floor is warmer after he wakes up from naptime, he sets out to figure out why it’s happening and how to help his classmates to have a warmer spot for their naps. First he tries trading spots, but finds that to be unhelpful. Then he figures out how to help them all. The illustrations are cute, and look to be hand drawn, and the story is easy for children to understand while teaching children a little bit about science and sharing.

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Cindy Rushin

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this book. It is part of a series about Dinopotamus and how he interacts with his friends. I love how this series shows inclusion of Dinopotamus who is different than the others. The children are not scared of Dinopotamus and they learn from him and make sure he is included in all of the activities. I recommend this book and series for children who love to read.

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Hannah Porter

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My Littles have come to enjoy this series alot. In this Installment of the Dinopotamus story he was trying to help the kids Solve the Mystery of the warm sleeping spot. I thought he had a clever way of trying to communicating with his fellow students🥰 I had the oldest little one take over reading tonight and he had not problem with the words and the flow was prefect for him. Again I love the hand drawn look. I can’t wait to read more of this series And from this author!! I highly recommend reading this series if you haven’t yet.

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Jennifer Reimer

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a cute experiment book for kids. The draws resonated towards my kids when I read this because it was in a style that they would be drawing right now, they were super excited that they even draw some pictures of there to go with the book after. The illustrations did go very well this book, and really made the story more vivid to what was going on. This follows a dinosaur that wonders why the ground around him gets warm, the examples and experiments that they go thou were very interesting to read about and how the figure out why the grounds hot. Great kids’ book, I like books that my kids can make up their own ideas on what’s going on and their ideas to figure something out.

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Tausha Treadway

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom. This is another amazing installment by Lois Wickstrom. I love all of her books. My 6 year old nephew and I read this together and we both loved it. Its about Dinopotamus discovering that when he gets up from where he has been sitting its warm so he leaves it for the other children to take a nap. So the whole class sets out to discover where the warm spots are. Trying to fit in is hard but with this one thoughtful thing Dinopotamus makes friends with the whole class. These books are so cute and sweet and always have a real life lesson in them. They make wonderful gifts for families or teachers too. My nephew and I are super fans of this author!

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Terri Jo McAllister

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It’s nap time at school and Dinopotamus hears the other students talking about how the floor is warm where Dinopotamus is napping. Why is the floor always warm where he lays and not where the other kids lay? This is the mystery Dinopotamus wants to solve. Another cute children’s book!

Reviewed by Terri Jo McAllister
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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Julie Johnson

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dinopotamus is with his friends at school again and it’s naptime. The kids are all lying on the floor and it’s a bit cold where they are. However, where Dinopotamus is, the floor is nice and warm. No one can figure it out until Dinopotamus uses his scientific reasonings of deduction to come to the proper answer.

This is a cute story that kids will love. It has scientific elements in it taught by a dinosaur! There was one section where I felt like it was repetitive but maybe it was felt that it was needed there. A very enjoyable story and another winning read by Lois Wickstrom!

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Elizabeth Sanchez

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery is a cute book but we wish it had better illustrations. I think it is a good effort for the author, who likely drew the images herself. The story is good and I like the diversity of the children. While it is a cute story, my 8 year old pointed out a animal who puts off heat likely wouldn’t have heat vision. But I soon reminded him a Dinopotamus is not a real animal so anything is possible. I love how thoughtful Dinopotamus is and how well the school children and teacher accepted him into their class. We have read other books in the series and they are all adorable.

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Reviewed by @way2gosmartguy

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Krista Moulthrop

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a cute and quick read that would be perfect for young kids. I love that the illustrations look like drawings colored with crayon. The class Dino, that can see heat spots the children can not, solves how to keep the children warm for their nap time.

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Ayla Phipps

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Cute read about helping others. Everything about the Dinopotamus series is amazing the easy to comprehend stories for all ages and how they always involve so many life lessons in them. This one was no different Lois Wickstrom shows not only how to help others, Dinopotamus making a warm nap spot for the children but also alternate forms of communication. Just because someone or something can’t talk doesn’t mean they can’t communicate with you in other ways if you just pay attention. My younger son was nonverbal until he was three, currently seven and he loved this book, and remembers using sign language to communicate in other ways.

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Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries by Lois Wickstrom and Lucrecia Darling – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

The Orange Forest Rabbit MysteriesThe Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries by Lois June Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Orange Forest Rabbit is a business rabbit, and he sells the carrots he grows around the Orange Forest, and they are the best carrots out there! One night, Rabbit is woken up by something and so he goes to the window to see what it is, and this is where he sees the blue fireball flying through the sky and breaking apart to crash into one of his fields!

The next day, he goes about his routine, but on the way to his warehouse, he stops by the field and his faithful puppy Robes Pierre notices something strange, but he has no time to investigate and just calls his puppy silly, and instead heads on out to open his store for business, however, all his employees, customers and carrots have disappeared! On top of all this, he sees an unwelcome customer, a spy for their competitor, Lucky Dog Carrots and they are trying to steal his secret recipes!

Will the Orange Forest Rabbit be able to solve the mystery surrounding the blue fireball and his carrots, all while stopping the spy and keeping his mischievous family in check? This is a cozy mystery which will keep you entertained throughout as you follow along the fun with this carrot powered rabbit family and the carroty adventures.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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Orange Forest Rabbit by Lois Wickstrom and Lucrecia Darling – Review by Stephanie Robb

The Orange Forest Rabbit MysteriesThe Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries contains three stories in one book.
The Mystery of the Missing Meteor Field Carrots, An Orange Forest Rabbit tale
The Mystery of the Haunted Amusement Park
Mystery of the Airwhale Art
I would say the book is aimed for ages 7-12 years old. The stories are a great combination of mystery, sci fi and fantasy. I would say they are a great introduction to this genre. As always Lois writing is incredible and really pulls you in.

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Orange Forest Rabbit by Lois Wickstrom and Lucrecia Darling – Review by Shannen Kern

The Orange Forest Rabbit MysteriesThe Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My household loves it when I bring another book home by this author, and this was no exception! We have read so many of their picture books for younger readers, but the chapter books such as these have been so amazing. My kiddos are 8 and 12 years old so they are the perfect target audience for this wonderful book. Even though I am far past the target age range, I definitely enjoyed reading this as well. There are three short mysteries inside this book and they were all great adventures. The author does an amazing job setting the scene and developing characters and plot well enough for an intriguing story, but still at the proper level for kiddos. I highly recommend picking this up and sharing with the younger ones in your life. You will find yourself enjoying it just as much!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Crystal Brehant

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another cute story by Lois Wickstrom. She really knows her stuff when it comes to writing books for kids of any age! I love her illustrations in the Dinopotamus series. It is really adorable. Dinopotamus can see something the human children cannot see. What is it? How does it happen? How can he make it happen again to benefit the kids? You must read to find out!

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Orange Forest Rabbit by Lois Wickstrom and Lucrecia Darling – Review by Nichole Chrisman

The Orange Forest Rabbit MysteriesThe Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries by Lois June Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gregory, his wife Jennifer, and their dog Tobes Pierre are faced with 3 intriguing mysteries. In this book each mystery is its own chapter and Gregory must use his smarts to solve each one. Older kids (upper elementary and middle) will enjoy using their own skills to try and solve each chapter alongside Gregory the Orange Forest Rabbit and his team. The chapters are engaging and easy to read. This is a good book for older readers!

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Orange Forest Rabbit by Lois Wickstrom and Lucrecia Darling – Review by Cindy Rushin

The Orange Forest Rabbit MysteriesThe Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries by Lois June Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really think many children will enjoy this book. It involves a mystery that had some surprises. The story had many twists and turns that kept me interested in finding out how it ends. The author has created a vibrant story that will bring joy to any kid who love mysteries and figuring out what happened. I enjoy this author’s stories and highly recommend them to anyone who’s child loves to read.

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Angela Plate, July 2024

Dinopotamus Solves a MysteryDinopotamus Solves a Mystery by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you’re looking for a book that will introduce your young child to the wonders of science in a way that’s both fun and easy to comprehend, this is the perfect choice. The story is engaging and simple, with endearing characters and beautiful illustrations that will spark your child’s imagination and curiosity.

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Orange Forest Rabbit by Lois Wickstrom and Lucrecia Darling – Review by Andrea Lopez Salazar

The Orange Forest Rabbit MysteriesThe Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries by Lois June Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Orange Forest Rabbit by Lois Wickstrom and Lucrecia Darling

Lois Wickstrom does it again!! We absolutely love her books.
I read this with my kids for bedtime and our usual daily reading. I love mystery books and think this is a cute fun way to see if my kids get into it as well.

There are 3 mysteries stories to read all with adventures, fun and family. We enjoyed Gregory and his family very much. 3 books in one to make it even better!!

The Mystery of the Missing Meteor Fields Carrots
The Mystery of the Haunted Amusement Park
The Clue in the Airwhale Art

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Dawn Daughenbaugh

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Stars
Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery is part of the Dinopotamus Series. Is a children’s book that children ages 4-8 can enjoy. My six year old son loved this book and as usual we’ve read it several times. He loved the colorful illustrations that brought the story to life. Dinopotamus spot where he lays down is always warm when he gets up. So he is on a mission to solve the Mystery. We highly recommend reading this cute story. As always we look forward to reading more from this Author.

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Megan Rea

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another cute installation in the Dinapotamus series. I love the illustrations and how they look like children drew them. As always, I love how Wickstrom is able to weave science, learning, and life-lessons together so seamlessly. Pick this one up now to add to your collection!
Reviewed by @meggs1717

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Orange Forest Rabbit by Lois Wickstrom and Lucrecia Darling – Review by Kelli Harper

The Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries by Lois June Wickstrom (2010-04-19)The Orange Forest Rabbit Mysteries by Lois June Wickstrom by unknown author
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A chapter book with a couple different stories included. Mysteries for the upper elementary aged kids.
Gregory and his friend, Robes Pierre, will take you on an adventure to try to find out the “whats” of the stories inside

**The Mystery of the Missing Meteor Fields Carrots — What happens when a meteor hits a field of carrots….
**The Mystery of the Haunted Amusement Park — In Carrot World, there is something funny going on….
**The Clue in the Airwhale Art – Gregory a Carrot Ship but feels like hes always being watched.

I really enjoyed them and highly recommend for anyone to give this book a read!

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Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery (Dinopotamus Series) by Lois Wickstrom – Review by Kristin Boutelle

Dinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method bookDinopotamus Solves a Mystery: A scientific method book by Lois Wickstrom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a very cute read and it shows that sometimes it takes a few times to try to figure things out. The illustrations are very colorful and will keep the little ones engaged. With each page there is an activity going on that the children can relate to while in class.

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