Love, Only Better (Bold Journeys Book 1) by Paulette Stout – Review by Christine Baranek

Love, Only BetterLove, Only Better by Paulette Stout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Love, Only Better
By: Paulette Stout

This is definitely a different take on a love story and I absolutely love it! This story tackles the topic of female sexual fulfillment and does so in such a way that it makes the heroine seem relatable. Rebecca is such an amazing character, well written and really just seems like a normal one of the girls. She was recently called frigid in regards to her performance in bed and then was dumped. Lets be honest, that would give anyone a bit of a complex. And of course, this is when someone appears who seems to show interest in Rebecca. But will she even remotely act on the interest and risk seeming frigid again? I have to say that Rebecca was one of the best characters I have read in a while. She just really was someone I felt that I wanted to get to know. I also love how the author tackles such a “taboo” topic with such relatability. I loved this story and I cannot wait to read more by the author!

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