Rise of the Hunter (Blood Prophecy Series) by Barb Jones – Review by Mandy Ott

Rise of the HunterRise of the Hunter by Barb Jones
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

While Rise of the Hunter is the 4th book in the Blood Prophecy Series, I didn’t feel like I needed to read the other books in the series to understand it. Barb Jones does an amazing job of introducing characters and explaining the details of past events. The book is fast paced, full of twists and turns, and plenty of paranormal elements which I really enjoyed. Barb Jones introduces a lot of believable, quality characters that I either loved or loved to hate, from light to dark, good and evil. However, I did get confused in the flow of the story. There were a lot of different character perspectives interspersed with varying time periods and different myths and legends. I found the constant switching to be a little confusing and difficult to follow. Overall, Rise of the Hunter was a good paranormal read.

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