The Book of Hours (Coin/Hours Duology Book 2) Audiobook by Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra – Review by Melissa Saxton

The Book of Hours (Coin/Hours Cycle 2)The Book of Hours by Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gabriela seemingly has gotten it together after her last brush with death. Staying committed to her family and raising her son, but there are so many secrets just under the surface that could destroy everything.
Richard has pined for Gabriela but stays away seemingly rejected as she never reached out, or did she? He finds himself in a predicament to protect her again when she finishes her manuscript and another psychopath sets eyes on her prized work.
Can these two finally find a way together, or will a other psycho torch their future before it can begin. And what of her other secrets in her family, what will she do?
Great story, simmering chemistry. Well read as an audio. You won’t regret it!

View all my reviews

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