The Silent Woodsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 1) by Cat Treadgold – Review by Tara Johnson Barnes

The Silent Woodsman (The Olympic Peninsula series Book 1)The Silent Woodsman by Cat Treadgold
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Silent Woodsman is Book One in The Olympic Peninsula Series. It is an unlikely romance story that focuses on the characters of Ali Ryan and Joe Bob Blade. Ali has gone to the woods to seek solace after the loss of her brother. She gets caught in a bad storm and falls on the deck of a cabin in the woods. The owner of the cabin, JJ, takes her in and the two spend the next couple of days getting to know each other. The tricky part is in the fact that they can only communicate by writing because JJ is recovering from a serious surgery. What Ali does not know is that JJ is really a famous country music singer. Over the course of their time together Ali and JJ begin to develop feelings for each other. Unfortunately, they both must return to their lives in the real world. Is there any hope for Ali and Joe Bob to find their way back to one another and have a relationship? This was a beautifully written story that fully immerses the reader in the lives of the main characters of Ali and Joe Bob, while also introducing us to other characters for future stories. The author writes in vivid detail that makes you feel as though you are there in the story along with the characters. This book will pull you in from the beginning and have you hooked until the end.

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