The Truth About Myths (The Winemakers Book 3) by Giovanna Siniscalchi – Review by Kerry Baker

The Truth About Myths (The Winemakers)The Truth About Myths by Giovanna Siniscalchi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a brilliant historical romance that has so much going on. I thought the characters were perfectly matched. There was such as tug and pull with them and their connection was undeniable. This is a little different to most other historical romances that I have read, and that made it such a refreshing read. I was engaged with story and loved watching it all unfold.
This is a great addition to the series as a whole. The author has a fantastic writing style that drew me in immediately. As a genre I tend to dip in and out of, it is books like this that keep me coming back. I loved this book and cannot wait for more.

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