Chasing Cheer (Emerald Hollow Book 1) by Heather Schneider – Review by Lorralei Hoerner

Chasing CheerChasing Cheer by Heather Schneider
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

4 1/2 Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

You can never read a holiday Christmas story to early…and this book gives you all the feels that of Christmas of friendship, hope, forgiveness, magic, love and Cheer! I really enjoyed this story and I cannot wait to see what is next from this author.

Holly Claus is focused at her job on hand, making sure she is collecting Cheer to help with using it back at home, the North Pole. Holly has visited many places where her job takes her, while visiting her friend in Finland, she sees a flyer about a up and coming festival in Emerald Hollow, Oregon. Holly takes a chance to visit this little town, not expecting to fall in love with everything it has to offer. Holly meets Ash Hayes in the midst…and sparks fly between the two….but both are initially in denial of their feelings. Ash is busy, being a business owner and trying to get the holiday festival up to peak….but slowly his walls around is heart start to fall the more he spends time with Holly. What Ash does not know is who Holly truly is or where she is from. When Holly’s Cheer goes into chaos…will she be able to save Christmas and be honest with Ash of who she truly is?

This is a sweet story that was very enjoyable and just what I needed :).

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