Cruel Love (Hidden Valley Elite Book 6) by Isla Vaughn – Review by Christie Mitchum

Cruel Love (Hidden Valley Elite #6)Cruel Love by Isla Vaughn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fantastic conclusion to Phoenix and Aspen’s Duet! This book is my favorite so far in the series!

The book picked up right where the previous one left me hanging, and what a cliffhanger that was!!!! Oh my gosh…talk about a nailbiter! Phoenix is in the hospital and his memories of the last few years are gone which include his memory of who Aspen is and all of the struggles they have had to endure. However, he knows she has played an important part in his life, and he feels the same pull towards her as he did before the accident. There was a lot going on in this book, and I loved every minute of it!

Cruel Love was such an appropriate title for this particular book as Cruel Hate was a perfect title for the previous one. In that one, despite the chemistry and pull of Aspen and Phoenix, a lot of their emotions for one another could be construed as hate. There was so much back and forth and push and pull between them. If I didn’t know how they truly felt about each other, I would have thought they had no promise of a future together. However, Vaughn turned all of that negativity and anger on its head in this book. The accident has made Phoenix kinder, more patient, and less self-centered. Those protective walls he has erected aren’t there which in turn causes Aspen to be more vulnerable and trusting with him. This was a much sweeter read, and I enjoyed watching the two of them get to know one another and really fall for each other.

As they discover their love for each other, several background stories develop and connect as well. The mystery of Phoenix’s grandfather’s actions which involve Shane, Phoenix’s twin, is coming to light and more about their mother and father’s pasts is being discovered as well. It’s the perfect combination of romance and mystery.

Isla Vaughn is an expert in taking her readers on a rollercoaster of emotions. My heart has been broken and put back together, and she has made me so angry that I wanted to throw my Kindle across the room and throttle some of the characters. Yet, that is what a great writer does, she or he tugs at your emotions, and Vaughn is incredibly talented at doing that. It is what keeps me coming back for more. She has really set us up for what promises to be a great set of books next. It’s finally Shane’s turn to tell us his story, and if the cliffhanger we are left with at the end of this book is any indication, it’s going to be one heck of a ride!!

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