House of Blood and Whispers by Natalina Reis – Review by Crystal Jimmo

House of Blood and WhispersHouse of Blood and Whispers by Natalina Reis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The trigger warnings at the start of the book were extremely helpful and let me know what to expect. Wow! Just wow! This book was a fantastic read! Cahki is someone I don’t want to meet in a dark alleyway if I was on her bad side, but she and I would be fast friends. She does not hold herself back and holds herself to that standard. It was a little frustrating at some parts, where better communication would’ve resolved some misunderstandings, but overall I really did like her character. Sung-Juin was not was I was expecting. With his background I was expecting a woe is me, or a jaded closed off person. He did have his moments, but I thought he was a well balanced character. This book had a little bit of everything for me. Action, romance, suspense, and everything in-between. Also I gotta say this, the cover is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I seriously can’t wait to read more books by this author. I’m definitely going to buying a physical copy of this book to keep on my shelves!

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