LIES-TRUTH-LOVE by Marina Hanna – Review by Christine Baranek

Lies - Truth - LoveLies – Truth – Love by Marina Hanna
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lies – Truth – Love
By: Marina Hanna

This is the first book in the Which Comes First series. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book and am looking forward to the next book. This book is filled with so many twists and so much drama that it sucks you in from the start and really doesn’t let you go until you finish. Trust me when I say you will not want to put it down once you start reading. Marina Hanna has a fantastic ability in developing her characters. They are definitely portrayed incredibly realistically – especially with how it comes to our two main characters. Ethan and Olivia are very entertaining and are the perfect characters to portray finding live when you least expect it. This isn’t your typical romance and it really contains enough for everyone. This was such a fantastic book and I cannot wait to see how this series continues to develop.

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