The Earl, Her Reluctant Guardian by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Julie Johnson

The Earl, Her Reluctant GuardianThe Earl, Her Reluctant Guardian by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoy historical romance novels and this one did not disappoint. Add in a paranormal feature with a ghost and I thought it might lose me but I ended up enjoying that too! The writing is very well done and keeps the reader engaged to the point that I didn’t want the story to end.

Vanessa is used to being on her own. She’s been independent for a long time and doesn’t need all the extra hoopla that life can throw. Her life has forever changed though, once she leaves The Academy for Young Ladies. Nothing is how she dreamed it would be.

Lots of suspense and twists and turns in this one to make it an exciting read!

View all my reviews

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