The Podcast Chronicles by Kathryn Dodson – Review by Julie Johnson

The Podcast ChroniclesThe Podcast Chronicles by Kathryn Dodson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I think may women can identify with Sue Cleary. She’s a wife, mom, raising 4 boys (2 are away at college, 2 are still at home), and trying to find where she belongs in this world. She’s trying to soak up all the precious minutes she has left with her two youngest boys before they leave the nest and that brings a new perspective to Sue’s life. What point does her life serve once her boys are gone? She’s been a successful CPA before she and the hubby decided to settle down and start a family.

A magazine article catches Sue eye and lights a fire in her belly when she learns about a developer wanting to turn the beautiful land of Durango, Colorado, into an amusement style park. So many things just don’t set right with her about this but she’s really not sure what to do about it. Her son mentions that she should start a podcast about her thoughts and, while she has no experience in that area, she decides to give it a try. Along the way, she forms friendships with 2 very strong willed women who stand with her in their plight to take down this developer and save the land that they care so much about.

This was very well written and focuses on the powers of strong women and friendship. I found this book to be very inspiring and empowering. There are several issues that are overcome through the bonds formed in this trio of women.

View all my reviews

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