Wild For Me (The Balefire Series Book 3) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Robin Rankin

Wild For Me (Balefire, #3)Wild For Me by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wild For Me (The Balefire Series Book 3)

I am 100% one of the many girls who had dreams of the rock star being their one true love. So this book and series makes the 16 yr old me from 1989 squeal.

Dakota is the one who swore off relationships and want nothing more than a night with a girl if that long. All of that changes in a moment.

Annabelle and her relationship with her younger sister remind me of my daughters relationship with one another and I loved it.

The Balefire guys are the best. I just do not like Garrett and after being such a jerk I don’t know if he is redeemable or not, but I’m looking forward to finding out.

View all my reviews

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