Wild For Me (The Balefire Series Book 3) by Tam DeRudder Jackson – Review by Roxsanne Lesieur.

Wild For Me (Balefire, #3)Wild For Me by Tam DeRudder Jackson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Balefire are a smoking hot rock band full of gorgeous men who set many hearts a flutter all over the world when they play, but they always return to their home town when the tours are over, but sometimes they also end up playing to their home crowd, just like the one night when Dakota catches the eye of a couple of sexy women in the front row who all seem to want his attention, however, one of them catches it the most. A woman with green eyes and auburn hair who is wearing a tight leather skirt and throws a pair of lacy, black panties on the stage which Dakota hangs on his guitar and makes it known that he is open for some fun after the show and this is exactly what happens, a night of amazing sex, followed by the woman upping and leaving as soon as dawn breaks leaving only her first name and a whole heap of good memories behind.

Annabelle is a smart young woman with her whole life ahead of her, as well as the hots for the local rock band, so she cannot believe her luck when she gets to spend the night in a hotel room with the hotter than hell guitarist, but she knows that it would only be a one night stand, she isn’t naïve and knows that it is what they are known for, so she leaves it at that and keep hold of the memories of the passionate night they shared together. A couple of years later and it her best friends wedding, and not only marrying the man of her dreams, but that he is in the same band as the hot guitarist, what she doesn’t expect is that said musician remembers her and the night they shared and apparently in just as much detail as she does.

As the wedding plays out, neither Annabelle or Dakota can keep their eyes, hands or lips off of each other, but they promise to behave and so only a phone number is exchanged, but after polishing off way too many shots too early in the night, Annabelle and the other bridesmaids are escorted back to their hotel, but nobody knows that until after the fact, especially Dakota, he thinks she bailed on him, but he keeps chickening out from testing to see if he has the right number for her and it is eating him up inside. Meanwhile, a couple of weeks pass and Annabelle hasn’t heard from Dakota, so she just carries on regardless until a phone call comes out of the blue from Balefire’s manager offering her an internship, it turns out that her best friend put in a good word for her and when they looked into her background decided she was a good fit for the job, so Annabelle agrees to go down to the studio and discuss it, this leads to her accepting the position and all that it may entail, including working both in the studio and going on tour with the band and she is determined to give it her all to prove that she can do it, especially after her performance at the wedding.

When Dakota and Annabelle cross paths at work, the sparks still fly, but will the two allow themselves to embrace the connection between them, or will they keep it professional and let another chance slip them by? This is a romance with a musical twist where a smart woman and a slightly less smart man engage in a battle of wits and sass while dealing with their pasts in this spicy romance which will keep you hooked until the last note is played.

Reviewed by @roxsannel

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