Ghost Takes A Vacation (Genie and Adriana Darling Cozy Paranormal Ghost Mysteries Book 2) by Carmen Radtke – Review by Shelly Kittell

Ghost Takes A VacationGhost Takes A Vacation by Carmen Radtke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was such an entertaining cozy mystery. I adored the adventure that Genie and her great-great-aunt Adriana were on. Adriana is such a unique personality in a ghost. If I were going to be haunted, I would love one like that. Genie is just trying to keep everyone happy. She’s trying to help Adriana get her belongings back. They are in Italy and the auction house with Adriana’s beautiful dress burns down. With Matt’s help, they have some crazy journey to figure out what happened and who set the fire. Who stole the dress? I loved the story. The humor is just right. I loved how Adriana is called the animal whisperer. Genie just wants to have a little bit of a relationship without Adriana present. That’s the downside, lack of privacy. The characters have such quirky personalities. The whole story just came together so well. This is a must read for cozy mystery lovers. I plan to read more from the author. This is a fun series.

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