Sarge by Stuart Ledwith – Review by Jennifer Ramos

SargeSarge by Stuart Ledwith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was such a quick and insightful read for the prequel Mission 3407. It starts out with going into TJ’s family history and how he became such a distinguishable officer and in the Navy Seals. All his training leads to his future involvement in Mission 3407. As he came from such a hopeless, poor background, he didn’t believe he could surmise to anything. Others along the way were able to see his worth and potential. His discipline and dedication leads him far into his successes where he becomes trained with the Navy Seal, not an easy feat at all. As he works on arriving there, he makes an unexpected discovery of a missing woman from her family’s yacht. The story takes further into their lives together and this special unit he becomes an integral part of. If you enjoyed Mission 3407, you will enjoy this short novella!

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