Secrets at the Café: A Novel of Suspense about Family and Friendship by Susan Specht Oram – Review by Christine Baranek

Secrets at the CafeSecrets at the Cafe by Susan Specht Oram
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Secrets at the Cafe
By: Susan Specht Oram

Susan Specht Oram is one author that I am always excited to read. This is because it seems with each book she just gets better, just when I think that there is no way the next book could get any better it does.
Secrets at the Cafe is a book that sucks you in from the first sentence and leaves you wanting even more when you reach the last page. Karina is the main character and she is incredibly well written. She has just lost her grandmother and the death is taking a toll on her. She begins to think she is losing her mind, she is confusing people and as if that wasn’t bad enough things of her grandmothers begin to disappear. Karina becomes determined to find them, no matter what else may happen.
This book is absolutely filled with twists and turns. I definitely cannot wait to see what the next book Susan Specht Oram writes and how she makes it even better than this one. Definitely pick this one up!

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