The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series Book 2) by K. L. Small – Review by Brandy Rymer

The Christmas Carousel (The Brass Ring Series, Book 2)The Christmas Carousel by K.L. Small
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a wonderful continuation to The Brass Ring Series. I loved that this book picks up right around the time that we had left off in the first book of this series, not leaving us waiting any longer to hear more about Rusty and Grandpa. This book is such an amazing read, it has action, adventure, feel-good moments, and lessons to learn about the benefits of doing good deeds. I love the beautiful bond that is built within this series between a boy and his grandfather, and the joy that they get to share in their bonds over a mysterious brass ring. The tales that they both share from their experiences and the love that they develop are so magical all in themselves. I highly recommend this book series to anyone young or old, who enjoys a story that takes them to mythical times and places, where anything is possible, and choices made do not go unrewarded. The descriptions within the book are so detailed, that it’s easy to draw a picture within your mind as if you are the main character experiencing all of the magic around you. I love the illustrations as well; they are such a nice touch to bring the story to life. What a great book to read during this holiday season!
@Brandy Rymer

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