The Earl, Her Reluctant Guardian by Wareeze Woodson – Review by Rebeca Elliott Figueiras

The Earl, Her Reluctant GuardianThe Earl, Her Reluctant Guardian by Wareeze Woodson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a historical romance (one of my favourite genres) with an twist adding more genres which I absolutely adored! The combination of historical romance, mystery and paranormal was brilliant.
The author’s writing flowed nicely and the way it was written, from the descriptions to the narrative, did an excellent job of setting the scenes and allowing the reader to become immersed in the era and story. I enjoyed the storyline and the internal conflicts some of the characters faced. They felt believable and came across as relatable.
My favourite character was Vanessa. She wasn’t demure in the way is expected of the time. She knows what she wants and acts as she decides. I did like Jacob as well, I thought they were good together, but Vanessa stole my attention from the start.
A great read to have taken on holiday with me, I didn’t want to emerge from the book at all. I will be looking for more from this author, I’m now obsessed!

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