A Journey for Dorothy (The Reluctant Wagon Train Bride Series) by P. Creeden – Review by Julie Johnson

A Journey for Dorothy (The Reluctant Wagon Train Bride #8)A Journey for Dorothy by P. Creeden
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Dorothy has been a widow for just a few short years and she’s not looking to get married again. She and Scout have made a decent life for themselves on their little piece of land. When Dorothy gets a letter from her sister, she decides that maybe she can make some changes in her life. Along her journey, she meets a man named Elias and together they forge a way to Oregon on the wagon train. Can their relationship sustain the rocky hills or will there be an annulment in the future?

I love books like this! Historical reads are my favorite and add that it’s a clean read and it’s a win-win! This was a fairly short read as well. Made for an enjoyable end to an evening!

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