Pursuit into Darkness (War of Destiny Series Book 2) by Theresa Van Spankeren – Review by Darian Vester

Pursuit into Darkness (War of Destiny #2)Pursuit into Darkness by Theresa Van Spankeren
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I went into this book without reading the first book of the series. It was easy to catch onto things, I felt there was enough time between the books to not be confused about book two. I think I will go back and read the first book just to see if the author explains more about the vampires, I love reading the different types of vampires everyone comes up with. I like that these vampires do need blood, are fighting to not be killers, people know about them, and I really like that they get injured. They are out in the night and avoid daylight, I’m not sure exactly what daylight does to them, I’m assuming only weakens them since Julia was out during the day.
Speaking of, I couldn’t stand Julia. I really enjoyed the other characters, I think Rab was my favorite but Julia was just too selfish for me. I know she’s the main character but she really had to make everything all about her. I hope she gets better character growth in the rest of the series.
I was rooting for Samual since the beginning, I instantly liked his character, I’m not 100% on his and Valentinos relationship but like I said, I plan to go back to book one to get my unanswered questions. I like the cause of the resistance and he makes the book worth sticking around to read.

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