To Catch An Elf by Debra Parmley – Review by Brandy Rymer

To Catch An Elf: Pennsylvania Fighter PilotTo Catch An Elf: Pennsylvania Fighter Pilot by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was nothing like what I had expected from my first impressions upon seeing the cover. I was expecting a sweet romance between the two characters featured and wasn’t exactly sure how a creepy-looking elf that looked a little like our main character, Marcie, would play into their romance, but this book offered me this and so much more!!! I was so excited when I started reading and realized it was going to take a dark twist that I was not expecting at all! This book had everything I could want and more, a budding Christmas romance, a beautiful wedding (not for our main characters), an overbearing privileged homeowner who had an adorable dog needing love and care, a sweet innocent house and dog sitter for December, and a super creepy elf that feels like it’s watching Marcie’s every move. Add to the mix a cute new neighbor, Ted, with a friendly dog of his own and we’ve got a great mix of characters to make a very interesting story. Oh, but don’t forget the homeowner’s weird boyfriend who brings Marcie into the mix, by recommending her to be the house sitter, who also is the person who gifted the elf to his girlfriend, the homeowner. The elf was to be Marcie’s biggest priority during her house sitting, even more, important than taking care of the sweet dog, with a list of daily tasks she had to take photos of, that were listed out down to the finite detail, including a bubble bath with the creepy elf…you’ll want to pick up this book to see how this all turns out because something was not right about this house sitting job. This book was awesome, it’s got romance, intrigue, drama, violence, and a super creepy elf doll who seems to watch your every move.
@Brandy Rymer

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