Deja Brew All Over Again: A Runaway Bride Romance (Love on Tap Series) by Sylvie Stewart – Review by Shelly Kittell

Deja Brew All Over Again: A Runaway Bride Romance (Love on Tap Book 3)Deja Brew All Over Again: A Runaway Bride Romance by Sylvie Stewart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Right from the start I found myself chuckling with the story. Miller was hiding his case from his family the best the could. We see when he gets back to the restaurant how that turns out. Maisy is running away from a marriage that she doesn’t really want. She’s doing her best to protect her brother, Bear, from her mother. Between the two of them, there are some issues that are deep and need to be resolved. I do find that these two are like a bit of a healing salve for each other. Miller, a former playboy, doesn’t want any other girl now. Maisy is attracted to Miller and is finding that he makes her happy. Bear has a role to play with everyone. He’s a terrific kid that brings a smile to everyone. He’s my favorite character in the story. He’s so good and innocent. This is a terrific book that has romance, comedy, and drama. When Maisy drops into Miller’s front seat, you can feel the Runaway Bride vibes. It’s a fun story that will have you smiling. There is great chemistry. There are familiar faces that appear in the story from previous books. It can be read as a standalone or in order in the series.

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