Sasha Smart by Shermaine Perry-Knights – Review by Tausha Treadway

Sasha Smart: Short Stories for GirlsSasha Smart: Short Stories for Girls by Shermaine Perry-Knights
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sasha Smart by Shermaine Perry-Knights. This is an amazing collection of short stories for girls aged 8-12 that are inspiring, uplifting and so full of self love. I so wish I had this book when I was young. The biggest focus of this book is self acceptance and self love, which is so important for young kids especially young girls today. Each story is a different problem young girls might go thru and they really focus on communication with their parents. The stories are about bravery, peer pressure, loving yourself and being positive. We all have bad things in our lives but how we react to them are 1/2 the battle. I think these stories would be great for teachers and parents alike. Every girl in this age group should get this book. I’m buying all the girls in my family one! This set of stories would make the prefect gift!

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