Shifter Shorts by TK Lawyer – Review by Crystal Jimmo

Shifter ShortsShifter Shorts by T.K. Lawyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In these series of stories, you have 6 different couples. I loved reading these stories, but definitely do not let the lighthearted cover fool you. I thought it was going to be a lighthearted series of stories that would get my feel goods going. Boy was I wrong. The hellhound story threw me off because I was not expecting something that I would normally read with such a lighthearted cover. Once I got over the hurdle that my brain was processing over the cover vs what I was reading, I got to fully enjoy the stories. They were as the cover says short. Each was a quick read with it’s own good story. A lot of steam in each story as well. My only complaint would be a little better detailed content warning simply because the hellhound story is a little darker than the rest of the stories.

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