Shifter Shorts by TK Lawyer – Review by Gabrielle

Shifter ShortsShifter Shorts by T.K. Lawyer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is an interesting collection of stories. Each story gives readers a look into a different characters and their journeys. Some are darker than the others and may be a trigger for some readers. These are all quick reads that give you a taste of the authors writing. There a shifters of all sorts in these stories and each couple has their own adventure to go through. Shifters and their mates must figure out how to communicate and work towards finding a happy ever after. There are some strong characters in these stories and emotions come in to play. It was nice to see that there were different kinds of shifters in these short stories. I would have liked a bit more character and plot development with these stories. I felt as if the stories were interesting but I was not invested in the characters and their plight.

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