Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light Series) by Nanette Littlestone – Review by Tausha Treadway

Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light, #2)Sweet Dreams by Claire by Nanette Littlestone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sweet Dreams by Claire (Capture the Light Series) by Nanette Littlestone. This is such a sweet contemporary romance. Its the second book in the series but can be read as a standalone! Its the story of Claire who has grown up in her parents bakery. She is older now and ready to branch out on her own but her mother won’t let her. Claire feels like her mom & dad’s bakery is just plain and she wants to branch out on her own with new and different stuff. She is also dealing with local resident Brigid’s wedding and her demands. In the meantime she also meets Finn who is Brigid’s sister and they have wild chemistry. The more time Claire spends with Finn the more they come to care about each other. Claire wants to be more adventuresome and live her life the way she wants but she also feels tied to her parents. With Finn only being in town for the wedding what will become of his relationship with Claire? Such a fun romance to start out the new year!

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