Curse of the Forbidden Island by C.A. King – Review by Maikalani Alexander

Curse of Forbidden IslandCurse of Forbidden Island by C.A. King
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a quick read and enjoyable. The spice is not as detailed as other books so I’d rate a 3. It gives hints of reverse harem but she clearly states she won’t take all of them on and needs to “share” with other women

I enjoyed the portion of them being cursed and the story it reveals. However, the finesse was lacking.

I sincerely would’ve loved if it was longer. But if you’re interested in reading something short simple and sweet this is the book for you.

Selene has been bouncing around from job to job since she graduated college with her degree. Tired always because she’s “creepy” or makes others feel uncomfortable she heads back to the temp agency to try again. There she finds a request for help on an island. Thrust onto the precipice of adventure she delves deeper into the curse of the island. Only to discover the sexual offerings that are given freely to everyone till she breaks the rules.

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