Dirty Heartbreaker (Hamilton Steelhawks Series) by A. C. Sheppard – Review by Shannen Kern

Dirty Heartbreaker: Hamilton Steelhawks Book 3Dirty Heartbreaker: Hamilton Steelhawks Book 3 by A C Sheppard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I accidentally started with this book instead of the first in the series, but I think it did well as a standalone. I definitely have the urge to pick up the rest of the series now that I’ve finished this one! This was my first book from this author, so I didn’t know what to expect, but I do enjoy a good sports romance story. The flow of the story is wonderful, and I felt pulled into the hockey world with Colby and Gabby. They both feel like very similar (stubborn) people under all the superficial, and I really loved watching their chemistry unfold and grow stronger. The author also has strong knowledge of hockey through and through which really made it more authentic and enjoyable as I absolutely LOVE hockey! I highly recommend picking this up if you love romance, sports, and especially a combination of both. Heading to pick up the rest of the series now!

Reviewed by @shannlynn

View all my reviews

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