Group Hug by Ariella Talix – Review by Tausha Treadway

Group HugGroup Hug by Ariella Talix
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Group Hug by Ariella Talix. This is a M/M/F romance that is fun and sexy. Weston is in a pickle and if he doesn’t do something soon he’s going to lose his house. He decides to run a ad in the paper for a roommate to help offset costs. When Callum gets out of chef school he’s kind of at a loss as to where to start to get his life going. He answers Weston’s ad and is happily accepted as a roommate. Then along comes Petra who is getting out of a very bad, unhappy relationship and needs new scenery and when she meets Callum & Weston they are the perfect scenery. Hot and handsome! The attraction between the three is immediate and hot scenes commence. Petra is a romance writer and helps them guide thru this trio and sets them on the path to romance. Each one of these individuals brings something cool to the table and to see them make each other better is so fun. I really enjoyed this steamy read!

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