Hidden Mischief (Shattered Embrace Series) by Alyndra Quinn – Review by Kerry Carr

Hidden Mischief (Shattered Embrace #1)Hidden Mischief by Alyndra Quinn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the first book in the Shattered Embrace series and I thoroughly enjoyed it. What I loved about this book is how deep the author goes with her characters and setting the scene instead of it being a few words and then action. The build up of the characters attraction and witnessing their interactions really brought them to life for me.
This is a dom/sub relationship and the author does a great job of giving the reader a complete and full understanding of what exactly that entail in an open and honest way.
Zachery is a strong Dom. He runs a club and well as other businesses. He is successful and has never wanted to settle down until he meets Ashton.

Ashton is a sub. She wants to joined Shattered Embrace to rediscover herself. What she doesn’t expect is that the man she is employed by as a consultant is the same man who holds the key to the door of the club she wanted to join.

The attraction is immediate but can they mix business and pleasure? What I love about Aston is that she isn’t a typical shy, meek sub. Even with her Dom she is sassy and says what she thinks which only intrigues Zachery even more?
Could Ashton be the one the finally make Zachery settle down? Will the chemistry between them be too much to handle? As the story progresses we learn much about the characters and just how perfectly matched they are.
I can’t wait to read the next book.

View all my reviews

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