Mistaken Identity (London Detective Agency Series) by Stephanie R. Caffrey – Review by Nina Maes

Suspenseful with a lovely dose of romance! This was a well written story with strong characters, lots of engagement throughout. It’s a fast paced read, you will be glued to the pages once you start to the very end. Recommend to any reader that loves that getaway with all the twist and turns. Looking forward to being captivated with the next book.

Mistaken Identity (London Detective Agency Book 1)Mistaken Identity by Stephanie R. Caffrey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Suspenseful with a lovely dose of romance! This was a well written story with strong characters, lots of engagement throughout. It’s a fast paced read, you will be glued to the pages once you start to the very end. Recommend to any reader that loves that getaway with all the twist and turns. Looking forward to being captivated with the next book.

View all my reviews

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