The Complete Echo Series: A Heartfelt Romance Collection (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam – Review by Jules Herbert

The Complete Echo Series (Echo #1-4)The Complete Echo Series by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fantastic book by a truly wonderfully talented author. I really enjoyed following Rae and Dean as these two remarkably strong willed and determined characters fell for each other while fighting against past hurts that they believed not only formed them but also protected them. This book is a really great read with wonderful characters, both main and side characters are well developed, vivid writing that enables you to completely envision the world they live in and a creative storyline to keep you reading page after page! It’s a fantastic start to what I am sure will be a fabulous series! Bring on the next book I say!!

The story of Callie and Brandon had me hooked right from the start and I simply couldn’t put it down until the end. This truly talented author created amazing characters full of heart and weaved a captivating, relatable storyline that the reader can fully visualise while reading. Important issues were addressed with such great care. I totally fell for Brandon in the first book of this series and this book just cemented that even further.

This very talented author creates such amazing characters and storylines filled with so much heart! I was instantly in love and was completely invested in the story of Rowan and Chris right from the start. Having met Chris a little in the previous books in this wonderful series I knew his story was going to be a great read and it definitely was that and so much more! Now if you haven’t read the previous books you will still follow the storyline and enjoy it wholeheartedly but I HIGHLY recommend reading the entire series simply because the people and places created in these pages will burrow into your heart to stay and you don’t want to miss out on that.

Book 4 brings us the story of Lina and Curtis and I just know you will be hooked from start to finish just like I was. We also get to touch base with characters from previous books which I really think adds depth to a series. There is always something happening with steamy moments thrown in so if Romantic suspense is your favourite read then this book is for you.

I truly Love the Echo Series and found myself getting more and more hooked with every book I read. This talented author always brings to life her characters in such compelling and relatable ways that you just won’t be able to put the books down!

View all my reviews

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