The Complete Echo Series: A Heartfelt Romance Collection (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam – Review by Tausha Treadway

The Complete Echo Series (Echo #1-4)The Complete Echo Series by C.R. Alam
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Complete Echo Series: A Heartfelt Romance Collection (The Echo Series) by C.R. Alam. This is such a good romantic series. One of my favorite books was Dangerous Rhythm. Its the story of Lina who used to be Army intelligence but now works as Security for the rock band Canis Major. Curtis is the epitome of rock star, he loves money, women and a wild lifestyle. Lina is loving this easy job until she gets involved with Curtis. She has been trying to avoid him because she gets her emotions all involved. When Curtis sees something he shouldn’t he becomes a target of the Mob. Lina has to be around him now so that she can protect him from this threat. Lina isn’t strong enough to fight her attraction to Curtis but she has to for the sake of Curtis’ safety. Will she be able to keep Curtis safe along with fighting her attraction to him. Will Curtis ever settle down so that Lina won’t be heartbroken! I loved this book because of the mystery along with the romance! I also really enjoyed Echoing Hearts. This is the first story of The Echo Series and its a slow burn romance. Its the story of Rae who has been reluctant to find love because she has watched her mom be heartbroken for a long time. She is a travel blogger and goes to Dean Rowland’s ranch to do a article on it. Dean is angry at everyone due to being left at the altar. When he sees Rae he thinks she is trespassing so their first meet it not pretty. After their initial meeting he can’t get her out of is mind and he wants nothing more than to see her again. She refuses all his advances and when she finally gives in and they are starting to see each other her best friend comes to town and causes upheaval. Dean has never been jealous like this. Will he ruin their new relationship because of his jealousy.

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