The Earl’s Match (The Thompsons of Locust Street Series) by Holly Bush – Review by Melissa Saxton

The Earl's Match (The Thompsons of Locust Street, #5)The Earl’s Match by Holly Bush
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Payden has returned from a long and dangerous trip to his homeland, but he’s absolutely broken from all that transpired during his fight for his lands and title. He had to do things he wasn’t proud of to win and he doesn’t know how to move on.
He remains just a ghost of himself until he meets Clarice, who is like a bright light inside a dark tunnel. Not only does she light up his life, but she doesn’t care about marriage and wants to live an independent life before meeting Payden, but she finds herself undeniably drawn to him. She immediately breathes life into Payden and he causes her to rethink the life she thought she wanted.
They quickly start falling in love but it won’t be an easy street to be together. Much drama, angst, and complications will arise and will they be able to overcome it all to be together? Can Clarice heal Payden’s tortured soul?
This is a wonderfully done historical romance with so much detail and so artfully written. I didn’t read the other 4 books in the series but j never felt lost!

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