Before You Say I Do by Marina Hanna – Review by Kerry Carr

Before You Say I DoBefore You Say I Do by Marina Hanna
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a really enjoyable romance with plenty of chemistry, drama with an ex and a undeniable connection between our main characters. I was hooked from the beginning.
We meet Liam and Emma. Emma has had problems in the past with men so the way she overcomes that is only having one night stands. Never wanting or expecting more. Until she meets Liam.
Liam is the same not wanting more from a woman but there is something about Emma that keeps him coming back.
As they navigate through the change from one night stands to friends with benefits could there be a possibility for this to become something more meaningful?
And when Liam gives Emma an offer she can’t refuse will this bring them closer or push them apart?
Add to this drama caused by Emma’s ex and this is a story that will keep you turning pages. Can friends with benefits progress to something more? Or are they both destined to end up heartbroken all over again?

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