Break Bone Fever (Finnerty and Liccione Mystery Series) by Mary Rae, MD and Wanda Venters, MD – Review by Callie Luna

Break Bone Fever (A Finnerty and Liccione Mystery, #1)Break Bone Fever by Mary Rae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I highly enjoyed Break Bone Fever! I accidentally read Breaking Apart (the second book) first and it may have ruined a few parts of the story. The story starts with the death of Dr. Gennifer Drake, a friend of Marnie and Louise. They refuse for Gen’s death to be the end of her research and progress. At first when I was reading the beginning with the narrative of the guilty parties, I thought it was too much of an open and shut case. With the discovery of the reasons behind Gen’s murder and the high implications it led to the ending of the book still being a fresh surprise. I enjoyed all the characters and setting since it felt like I was there in the thick of mystery. It made me want to check out the town of Galveston, Texas. It sounds breathtaking!

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